Friday, April 08, 2005

NAPFA test/Projects Day fever today so skipped gym and wushu lessons :( anyway we had our NAPFA test 2day and I aced it (with a fever :p). 37 sit-ups, 28 inclined pull-ups, SBJ 213 cm (same as shaun), sit and reach 43 cm and shuttle run 11.2 sec (dunno if it was 10.2 or 11.2?) thats a total score of 22/25, with grades BAAAC :D But im afraid of next week's 2.4 km run....i got low stamina so dunno if i can pass it. mebbe ill get an E for it at most :(

Yah so alot been's happening in school but havent found the time to write about it...term tests are just 'round the corner. *sigh* And projects day sux...we thought that we could pass the prelims but didn't...sigh. Well almost my whole class failed anyway. Wonder what went wrong. Hope that we can do better in the re-prelims...
This is the my poem which I had to write as my Literature homework...sigh...

The autumn wind whistles through the bare
Branches of the wayside trees.
Leaves flutter helplessly to the ground like dead birds;
Colours of red, brown, orange and yellow
Floating about in the breeze.

The happy days of summer are past
No more children playing, running around.
As I trudge home I am the last
Human soul
Not another person I found.

I shiver with cold, shuffle faster;
The main road which is ever so busy
Seems so empty now.
The sun sinks slowly, the winds settle lazily
As I finally reach home, relieved, and sigh.

About the Pope's death...may god bless him and may he rest in peace. Im not a Christian but i guess i can't help feeling sad :(
Anyway, vote on the new poll!


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