I've realised that zest riddles had atcually been copied from notpron riddles, u can visit it at Well 1N riddles was based on zest riddles anyway...
Ok so now about the Sabbaticals. I went for the PHP & MySQL Sabbaticals and liked it very much. My father initially wanted me to go for "Business Laboratory" but it sux...all those who went said it was boring. Not to mention I got the full 5 ACE pts for PHP&MySQL (not that I really need them anyway). And on top of that, we still got to slack and played com games during recess/before the Mr Yong (our trainer) arrived/after the sabbaticals. And Mr Yong is such a nice guy...he actually let us play our games after we finished our assignments. He doesnt even scold us :)
Now I can create a database and create a PHP site to show all the data. Our assingment was to create an online CD store which could list out all the albums in our database when u type in a keyword to search for. We novices have to finsih it in 2 days O_o Sounds hard? It is. My group included Jia Kun and Huang Ji. Jia Kun did most of the PHP scripting (i have to admit he is better at PHP than I am) while I did the layout (HTML) of the page. And Huang Ji the slacker barely did anything at all. Instead, he went to play com games and work on his C++ program while we worked (wad e crap doing C++ during a PHP/MySQL lesson -_-''').
In the end, Mr Yong awarded my and Jia Kun 5 ACE pts each for doing most of the work (and we did it quite well) but he only awarded Huang Ji 4 ACE pts. At least he's justified but I think Huang Ji deserves only 3 ACE pts. Not that he really needs it anyway. :P
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